Tender Notices
- 25th February, 2025: Notice for Cancellation of Tender for "Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) of Desktops, Laptops, Printers/Photocopiers & Scanners, Networks and other IT peripherals"
- 23rd October: Notice Inviting Tender (Limited Tender) for supply of 16 (Sixteen) Nos. (approx.) of New Desktop Personal Computers of a Reputed Branded Company at the Directorate of Food Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs
- 1st July: Extension of Request for Proposal for Supply and Installation of Video Conferencing System
- 28th June: Extension of Request for Quotation for Supply, Installation Commissioning of Genuine Inverter (Power Back Up)
- 20th June: Corrigendum/Addendum/Clarification to Pre-Bid Query raised by Lifeline Enterprises in response to RFQ No. DSCA.10/TMD/2021/Pt.II/80-81 dated 11th June, 2024
- 12th June: Corrigendum in regard to the Request for Quotation for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Genuine Inverter (Power Back Up)
- 11th June: Request for Quotation for Supply Installation Commissioning of Genuine Inverter (Power Back Up)
- 10th June: Request for Proposal for Supply and Installation of Video Conferencing Systems
- 10th June, 2024: Notice - in regard to Opening of RFE Documents for Empanelment for Supply of Manpower Services
- 10th June, 2024: Notice - in regard to Opening of Financial Bid for Annual Maintenance Contract
- 21st March, 2024: Notice - Postponement of Opening of RFE Documents for Empanelment for Supply of Manpower Services
- 27th February, 2024: Notice - Opening of documents of RFE for supply of manpower supply to be notified later
- 26th February, 2024: Notice - Addendum to the Request for Empanelment of Agencies for Supply of Man Power Services (Office Executives/Professionals)
- 23rd February, 2024: Notice - Postponement of the Last Date for submission of Tender for Annual Maintenance Contract
- 21st February, 2024: Result of the Limited Departmental Recruitment Exam for the post of Data Entry Operator underv Price Monitoring System
- 16th February, 2024: Notice - Request for Empanelment of Agencies for Supply of Man Power Services (Office Executives/Professionals)
- 8th February, 2024: Notice Inviting Tender for Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) for Desktops, Laptops, Printers/Photocopiers and Scanners, Networks and other IT peripherals
25th September, 2023: Notice on Postponement of Opening of Quotation for supply of genuine Office Consumables, Printer, Scanner & Computer Accessories
- 12th September, 2023: RFQ for supply of genuine Office Consumables, Printer, Scanner & Computer Accessories
- 17th May, 2023: NIT for Developing the Information, Education & Communication (IEC) material on Awareness Generation for Fortified Rice
- 9th March, 2023: DSCA.96/2011/Pt.III/265: The Corrigendum/Addendum/Clarification to Pre-Bid Queries raised by prospective bidders in response to RFP No. NO DSCA.96/2011/Pt.III/242 dated 13/01/2023
- 17th January, 2023: Addendum: Reference to Notice Inviting Tender NO DSCA.96/2011/Pt.III/242
- 13th January, 2023: Requests for Proposals (RFP) for Supply, Installation and Maintenance of e-Weighing Machines Devices for Meghalaya at Fair Price Shops Godowns
- 9th September, 2022: Notice Inviting Tender for Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) of Desktop, Laptops, Printers, Photocopiers, Scanners, Network and Other IT Peripherals
- 18th August, 2022: Postponement of Opening of Technical Bid in regards to Notice Inviting Tender for Conceptualizing, Planning, Execution and Monitoring of Communication Plan for Outdoor Print Social Media and Public Engagement
- 27th July, 2022: Addendum on Notice Inviting Tender for Conceptualizing, Planning, Execution and Monitoring of Communication Plan for Outdoor Print Social Media and Public Engagement
- 22nd July, 2022: Revised Notice Inviting Tender for Conceptualizing, Planning, Execution and Monitoring of Communication Plan for Outdoor Print Social Media and Public Engagement
- 13th July, 2022: Tender Notice to Dispose of Old Scrap Materials (Office equipment and Other Items)
- 11th July, 2022: Corrigendum in regards to Notice Inviting Tender for Computer Table and Chair
- 24th June, 2022: Notice Inviting Tender for Supply of Computer Table and Chairs
- 24th June, 2022: Notice Inviting Tender for Annual Maintenance Contract
- 8th June, 2022: Notice Inviting Tender for Conceptualizing, Planning, Execution and Monitoring of Communication Plan for Outdoor, Print, Social Media and Public Engagement
- 13th January, 2022: Extension Notice for Supply of IT Hardware Computer Table and Chair
- 13th January, 2022: Extension Notice for Annual Maintenance Contrat (AMC)
- 07th January, 2022: Corrigendum - Document in reference to the Office Notice Inviting Tender Dated 13th December,202l
- 13th December, 2021: Notice Inviting Tender for Annual Maintenance Contract under Directorate of Food Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs
- 13th December, 2021: Notice Inviting Tender for Supply of IT Hardware Computer Table and Chair
- 5th July, 2021: Extension - Notice Inviting Request for Quotation for supplying IT Hardware/Miscellaneous Items
- 18th June, 2021: Notice Inviting Request for Quotation for supplying IT Hardware/Miscellaneous Items
- 18th June, 2020: Awarding of Quotation to Ri Lang Tech Solution LLP for Providing Office Automation Solution
- 18th June, 2020: Awarding of Quotation to Ri Lang Tech Solution LLP for Providing Office Automation Solution
- 18th June, 2020: Awarding of Quotation to Out There Public Engagement Group of Agencies for Conceptualizing and Disseminating IEC Materials
- 18th June, 2020: Awarding of Quotation to R.L. Agency for Supply of IT Hardware / Miscellaneous Items
- 4th May, 2020: RFQ for Office Automation Solution relating to Stock Inventory Management System, File Tracking Management System, Call Centre Management System (1.55 MB)
- 4th May, 2020: Notice Inviting Request for Quotation (RFQ) for Supply of IT Hardware/ Miscellaneous Items (1.69 MB)
- 4th May, 2020: Notice Inviting Request for Quotation (RFQ) for Conceptualizing and Disseminating IEC Materials (1.01 MB)
- Notice Inviting Quotation for Annual Maintenance of Computer and Equipments (26th August, 2019) (51.1 KB)
- Notice Inviting Quotation for Supply of Computers, etc (5th August, 2019) (304 KB)
- Expression of Interest (EOI) for Concurrent Evaluation and Monitoring of Functioning of National Food Security Act, 2013 (21st November, 2018) (1.5 MB)
- Notice: Opening of Financial Bid on 24th October, 2018 (340 KB)
- Corrigendum (dtd 10th Sep, 2018) on RFP No.DSCA.96/2011/Pt.II/122 (479 KB)
- Corrigendum (dtd 6th Sep, 2018) on RFP No.DSCA.96/2011/Pt.II/122 (1.18 MB)
- Addendum for RFP No.DSCA.96/2011/Pt.II/122 (433 KB)
- Corrigendum (dtd 31st Aug, 2018) on RFP No.DSCA.96/2011/Pt.II/122 (502 KB)
- Extension of Tender Notice for Supply of PoS Machines in the State of Meghalaya for ePDS Shops (303 KB)
- Notice Inviting Request for Proposal (RFP) - dtd 31/07/2018 (312 KB)
- RFP for Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Maintenance of ePOS devices for Automation of Fair Price Shops - dtd 31/07/2018 (1.47 MB)
- EOI for Concurrent Evaluation and Monitoring of Functioning of NFSA (Last Date: 15th June, 2018) (327 KB)
- Short Tender Notice for Supply, Installation with Application and Maintenance of Point of Sale (Pos) Devices for Pilot Project under F.P.S. Automation (Last Date: 7th March, 2017) (1.6 mb)
- Tender Notice for supply, installation, commissioning and maintenance of Point of Sales (PoS) devices under pilot basis for 10 Fair Price Shops (F.P.S.) (585 kb)
- Fair Price Shop Details (29 mb)
- Tender for publicizing an awareness for the National Food Security Act 2013 (475 kb)
- Tender for supply of I.S.S. Grade Sugar, 30 for a quantity of 1,704 MTs per Month at a contracted rate as per I.S.S. specifications prescribed and delivery at the Head Quarter of 11 Districts and 4 Sub‐Divisions (September 2015) (1 mb)
- Notice Inviting Quotation for Annual Maintenance Contract of Computer and Equipments (9 June, 2015) (431 kb)
- Notice Inviting Tender for Supply of PC Desktop and equipments (25 Feb, 2015) (857 kb)
- Quotations invited for Annual Maintenance and reparing of Computer and Peripherals (14 May, 2014) (230 kb)
- Tender Notice of levy sugar extended upto 6/1/2014 (400 kb)
- Corrigendum for Tenders Notice for Sugar issued vide this Office Notice Number D.S.C.A. 18 / 2013 / 46, dated 06th November, 2013 (582 kb)
- Sealed Tenders are invited from bonafide Sugar Manufactures / Importers / Sugar Traders / Wholesalers / Co - Operative Sugar Mills for supply of I.S.S. Grade Sugar - Detail N.I.T. (527 kb)
- Short Tender Notice for Supply of I.S.S. Grade S-30/S-31 Sugar for a quantity of 1,704 MTs (500 kb)